Niederösterreichische Nachrichten: “Lower Austrian company Tiani Spirit as a door opener for events”
Lower Austria company Tiani Spirit as door opener for events
From Walter Fahrnberger. Created on january, 20, 2021 (05:27)

The Lower Austrian company “Tiani Spirit GmbH” from Bisamberg (Korneuburg district) has had experience with the processing of health data for over 20 years. That’s how long the software engineering company has been working on standardizations. For example, every query of the electronic health record ( ELGA) in Austria runs through components from Tiani.
In the Corona crisis, the 50-employee company has now launched a platform that could play a decisive role in “re-testing” in the near future. Via an app, a Corona test issued by the authorities is converted into a QR code. This can serve as an “admission ticket” for events of any kind.
“The most important thing for event organizers is a platform that is trustworthy,” knows CEO Martin Tiani. This is what the Tiani platform “Covid-stayfree” can offer. A QR code is generated there. Health data is not read out with the code. Only the negative test result and the personalization are important to the respective user.
QR-Code has an expiration date
“For an entrance to a cinema, theater, fitness center or restaurant, the QR code at the entrance can then be read out via cell phone. Depending on the time of testing, the code also has an expiration date — after 48 hours, for example,” explains Managing Director Martin Tiani.
The Lower Austrian company recently also offered the system to Ö-Ticket. Depending on the lockdown situation, the first events have already been planned. The system is to be used for the first time at a concert in Grafenegg. Lower Austrian star chef Toni Mörwald has also expressed interest. Also with various airlines negotiations run already.
The business model of Tiani provides that each organizer pays 50 cent to 2 euro per customer. “For the user himself, the test including registration should cost no more than five euros,” says Tiani. Registration of own antigen tests (so-called “living room tests”) should be possible as well as a PCR test in cooperation with the company Covid-Figthers. The plan is that the organizers will then cover part of the costs.