Hi Grapevine Community,
We are very excited to announce our collaboration with Microsoft, the University of Southampton and Tiani Spirit on a blockchain-based pilot for exchange of clinical data!
We have partnered up with these technology leaders to develop a new blockchain-enabled platform and using the trusted Microsoft Azure cloud platform to track the provenance of healthcare data in order to break data barriers and simplify the access and the ability to utilize health data for professionals.
This marks a significant step in the progress of our project, and a move closer towards integration and adoption of Grapevine World in the health data ecosystem.
The test trial with Microsoft aims to demonstrate the value of combining market-proven interoperability standards in health data exchange (IHE) and blockchain technology (Hyperledger Fabric) for tracking and assessing health data provenance. It will further demonstrate if it could be used for clinical trial matching for one of Grapevines early adopters, a Forbes 100 pharmaceutical corporation (to be announced soon). The clinical trial matching is just the tip of the iceberg of how Grapevine’s platform can be used, which is designed to facilitate the consented data access for various organizations such as universities, medical and biotech companies. Powered by Microsoft Azure, means that Grapevine can easily overcome privacy, security, performance and scalability challenges that currently prevent many blockchain projects from reaching production stage, and more importantly limit real-world adoption of these technologies in healthcare!
Our co-founder, Wernhard Berger notes “Following a successful pilot execution with our early adopter, we are excited to receive strong interest from multiple health and life science organisations to subsequently adopt our solution. Benefiting from Microsoft’s global reach and strong support from the interoperability community, we meet a growing market need and will together overcome the current limitations for achieving a truly connected healthcare community.”
The strategic partnership of Grapevine with Microsoft places us in a strong position as a leader in the field and opens the doors to significant improvements to the healthcare industry. We are incredibly excited about this development and other test trials we are running with some of the biggest tech players in the world.
If you are part of an organization that would like to test our trial solution and benefit from a joint work, please visit the following website www.grapevineworldtoken.io/clinical-trial-pilot. We look forward to working with amazing companies out there and taking another step towards improving healthcare worldwide!